Thursday, October 20, 2011


ari nie ary pling sial dlm idop aq..
bdk klas 3r semua nk cri gado ngan aq..
ary aq sje je nk ponteng skola..
sje je la nk cri pnglmn jd badgurl..
so aq pnjt la pagar skola nk kuar..
nk mkn kat luar mklum la dh lapar..
tnggu safina ngan eryne lme gile.
tyme nk pnjat tu bleh lak mamat2 sial 2..
(geng zaini n bdk 3r)
record gamba aq pnjt pgr skola..
mcm sial je first tyme aq pnjat pown.
die tangkp second tyme pown sme..
mcm sial je lps tu dngr cete..
yg dorg bg gamba tu kat sara..
benci gile aq dibuatnya..
hellllooo guys..
wa x gnggu idop lu..
asl lu gaggu idop wa..
suka aty wa la nk pnjat pgr kerw..
nk mampos kerw wa pnye hal la..
mcm sial je dorang tu..

muhammad hafizi

nme mamat nie sntiasa terpahat kat dlm aty aq..
mklum la owg pertama yg aq syg gile2..
walau pown aq dh lme pts ngan die...
lps aq pts ngan die aq still contact die..
bnyk kli die mntak kapel ngan aq blik..
tp aq sentiasa tolak aq pown tak tau sbb perw..
aq hanya ikut kte aty aq je..
klo die thu sbb perw aq kapel ngan die in the first place..
gerenti die akan mengamuk ngan aq..
tiap kli mamat nie contact aq..
ktorg gerenti akan gaduh bleh jira la gne jari ble ktorg x gaduh..
n ble tyme nk pmr aq ckp ngan die aq x nk dgnggu..
n maybe aq x leh angkt fon die..
n trus die x contact aq smpai la abes pmr..
abes pmr die mcj aq..
die kte 'dah abes pmr ko still x nk contact aq'
'aq tau aq sape utk ko'
'dah la lps nie ko tak sbuk2 nk contact aq'
'aq x nk tau psl ko n x nk kne mngene psl ko lg'
start dri mcj tu no more mcj no more kol..
than one day b4 competition aq..
aq teringt die dn aq mnages kat umah nana..
aq tau mmg aq terasa sngt bile die dah x de..
slamat nana ngan pika de diorg yg tngkn aq..
thanks guys really appreciate the support..
mlm b4 aq mnages aq tngk gmba die..
skit rndu aq terubt utk die..
aq terngt kte2 die tyme aq nages tu..
die kte aq akn merasa perw yg die rse tyme die ngan aq..
n perw yg aq wat ngan die..
serius tyme tu aq rse mnyesal gile wat die mcm tu..
tp perw yg bleh wat sbb aq yg mntk perpisahan nie terjd..
pika soh aq contact die tp aq tak nk..
aq kte biar la die bahagia ngan idop die skang..
tanpa aq disisi sbb tu yg aq nk dri dulu..
x sangka aq leh rndu die smpai mcm tu skali..
i really miss you MUHAMMAD HAFIZI
i will never forget you..
you always on my heart..
klo de jodoh kte jmpe lg..
n maybe kte bleh brsma smula..


dah lme tak tulis blog..
tetiba teringt lak nk tulis kat blog nie..
aq bru je abes pmr..
and skang tngh menjalani ary2 lps abes pmr..
de yg best de yg boring..
kira balance la..
bru2 nie aq bru je dpt 1 pnglmn..
pnglmn mnynyi although suara nie x sedap mne..
at least aq merasa msk pertandingan nyanyi..
my first singing must always remember..
kat sne jumpe syukri, nabil n miera..
x sangka syukri bleh nyanyi..
suara miera serius tinggi siap bleh nyanyi lgu 'rolling in the deep'
aq terpikat ngan nabil yg maen ockalele (don't no the spelling)
n soknye ktorg pegi tngk koir..
sedap dorang nyanyi koir..
de mcm lgu antoo pown de...
n wat owg tertydo pown de mklum la suara koir yg tnggi tu..
spnjg koir tu keje aq bce novel je..
mklum la x de owg nk sembang..
pika sibuk lyn si fared (maklumla bf sndiri)
lps tu mrh aq tak lyn die (perw la pnye pompuan)
blik dri koir aq muntah sbb aq x shat..
sbb smlm aq mandi ujan..
lps tu x trus mandi tu la pdhnye mandi ujan tanpa mandi lps tu..
tp diorg kte aq mngndung perw la..

Sunday, May 15, 2011

si H..

start jerw masalh timbul..
aq terus je mintak pts ngan H..
x tau npe grak aty aq kte..
aq kena break ngan die..
walau pown brat aq nk lpskn die pegi..
ramai owg soh aq pts ngan die...
dri first aq kapel ngan die..
tp sbb aq syg kat die aq x pts ngan die..
aq lpskan die pown tok kebaikan die dan aq..
kebaikan die agar die leh idop tanpa aq..
sbb aq dpt tau yg die akn tranfer ke skola laen..
so aq x nk die rse terikat ngan aq..
for me adalah supaya aq x kn rse sunyi bile die x de..
sbb aq x snggp die pegi dri idop aq..
aq cbe x nk rse kehilangan bile die x de..
aq try nk sesuai kan diri bile die x de nati...
sbb ke-2 aq nk settle kn masalh aq dulu ngan skola..
ngan ustazah, mummy aq, n jawatan aq..
aq tau diorg mmg x ske aq kapel ngan die..
tp aq pts ngan die bkn utk jangka masa yag lme..
bile semua selesai aq akan blik ke pangkuan die..
2 la perw yg aq plan..
tp semua 2 x mnjadi,,
bile H amat membenci aq..
aq dah trangkan kat die,,
tp die still x phm..
hampir tiap mlm aq menages krana die..
semua nye sbb die..
aq amat syg kan die..


dah lme x update blog nie..
maklum la aq always bz..
nk wat cam nerw PMR taon ni..
aq bru je abes ambik ujian pertengahan taun aq..
but b4 that aq dilanda problem yg sngt besar..
1 skola heboh psl aq kiss ngan H..
x tau npe tp 2 la terjd..
aq x nafikan ia x berlaku..
tp x tau la cam nerw leh kantoi..
so tyme aq nk wat priksa..
ustazah n my mummy...
soal aq cam penjenayah..
serius tyme 2 aq menages..
tp tyme ngan mummy aq lah truk gile aq nages..
sampai semua terkejut n nk tau sbb perw aq nges..
maklum la bdk brutal mne pnh nages..
yg aq frust nye tyme aq ngaes 2..
aq nk ambik paper 2 BM ngan BI..
blank gile aq wat dua2 paper 2..
x tau nk tulis perw..
mmg f*** gile la...
x tau perw jd pd paper aq 2..
arap2 aq x dpt D or C...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

pakwe ketiga aq..

F.Y.I so far antara ex aq ngan die..
aq pling syg die.
x tau npe 2 la hakikat nye..
tp x dpt tandingi rse aq terhadap H..
although aq dah kapel ngan die n H pown tau psl nie..
tp aq still x de feel cam mne aq ngan H..
2 la yg membingungkn aq..
tp antara die dan balak aq yg lps..
aq sygkn die lbh dri dorang..
2 mmg aq pasti..
tp aq wish sngt aq dpt perasaan spt mne aq ngan H..
i wish that will happen..


skang nie aq dah mula strt tusyen..
nie semua bb mak aq yg nk kn aq tusyen..
aq nie ikot jerw la..
maklum la ank misali...
kat situ aq jumpe ramai owg...
de yg aq knl de yg x..
that doesn't matter 2 me..
although the place is quiet uncomfortable..
but i have fun..
teacher2 kat sne semua nye baek2 blaka..
arap2 aq akn eppy sll kat sne..


aq skang tidak lg rapat dng si H..
x tau knpe jd mcm nie..
2 mmg lumrah kot..
aq mmg x leh rapt ngan lelaki lbh dri 1 minggu..
plik btl hidup aq nie..
bende cam nie always jd kat aq...
knpe aq pown x tau..
bende nie akn berlku kiranye..
aq syg pd sorang mamat..
except 4 family aq..
aq x leh rapat ngan diorg lbh seminggu..
aq start renggang ngan die..
sjk awek die msk hsptl.
tau btl kerw x..
anywhere aq mls nk pikir semua 2..
wat aq pning n skit ati jerw..
yg aq tau aq x leh rapat ngan laki lbh dri seminggu..

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

fall in love..

am i really fall in love..
coz that what pika said 2 me..
that i already fall in love with si H..
tp 2 semua mustahil..
sbb si H dah de kekasih..
aq plak dah de owg laen..
aq nk setia ngan Z...
coz Z really understand me a lot..
n aq x nk maen kn die..
tp btl kerw ati nie milik si H..
pika ckp that i think si H is my mr. right..
aq still dlm dilema..

si H...

sesiapa bleh tolong aq x....
aq dlm dilema skang...
aq tau nk wat perw...
sejak bape ari nie..
aq teringtkn si H..
aq rse x sdp ati risau..
x ske gile feeling nie..
nie semua terjadi sbb..
aq pkai rantai yg si H 2 bagi..
start 2 die sering muncul dlm mimpi aq...
n wat kn aq sering teringtkn die..
x tau cam nerw leh jd kat mcm 2..
asal leh jd cam nie hah??

Saturday, March 19, 2011


what's up....
sowy didn't update blog...
cause really buzy with homework and stuff..
taun 2011 nie bnyk sngt proble aq dpt..
klo aq tulis pown smpai 3 page pown x abes..
tp yg bnyk nye psl kwn2 aq..
so skang nie aq malas nk pikir....
maklum bende dah lps..
klo bleh btl kan blik x perw...
hmm pa pe jerw la...
janji aq tau aq jd diri aq...
lantak la perw owg nk kata..
aq x kisah..

Saturday, January 29, 2011

kwn ku!!

2nd post 4 today..
ni kisah kwn aq sorang..
die nis sorang laki tp berati pompuan..
aq sedia maklum bahawa family die..
kebnyakkn nye pompuan..
ati die sngt sensitif lbh dri pompuan..
bende kecik die suka msk kn dlm ati.
n one day this new kid always get to his nerf...
sbb this new kid love to see him angry...
without no reason...
they fight so many time..
so one laki nie pown nekad nak tukar skola..
or x pown pindah klas..
tp last2 baek blik..
plik btl ckp ngan aq da nekad nak pindah..
x bleh di ubah lg..
last2 jd cam nie skit btl ati..
bkn x suka diorg berbaek tp ckp cam keling..
plik btl ckp ngan aq x nk maafkn this new kid lg..
whatever la as long as they happy i'm happy...
tp aq percaya diorg akn gado blik lps nie..

My frenz

now my frenz are ok with me..
i'm so happy about that..
they don't hate me..
just a bit miss understanding..
so happy everything working out..
and it stay as it was before..
i also heard from ustazah that they want 2 change..
don't know what ...
i thinks it is about last year..
maybe yes maybe no..
i'm so sure about that...

Friday, January 21, 2011

My Girlfrenz

this is my 3rd post 4 today..
now my girlfriend doesn't frenz with me..
i don't no why it's really weird..
wish this things never happen..
really miss the old days..
it's start when i been separated with them..
not that i want it but i have 2..
sit with the guys...
people always ask me if i have a fight with them..
especially with pika..
i don't know why they ask me this...
why they don't ask pika or them..
why me!!! why me!!!
i don't have the answer..
they have the the answer...

My Weird brother..

my brother are so weird...
not talking about my real brother..
my brother always talk like:
  • love u
  • missing u
  • call me baby
  • call me ayg
n many more..
so weird..
he always call me adek..
but last night he call me sha..
so weird he never call me sha..
n he said that ' klo la abg dpt adek'
n ' abg btl2 sayangkn sha... luv u so much'
it's that weird 2 you..


already 1 month me going out with him..
never expected this long..
wow thinks of it..
so crazy i stay with him this long..
hope can last long with him..
because he is not like my ex..
love him so much..

Friday, January 14, 2011

the new kid..

there's new kid in class..
he's name was aqil..
he's from australia..
never been there..
but this kid very a pain in a but..
her mouth a very laxer...
i know he from australia..
but does he have to talk so mean..
but anywhere..
he's respect me..
n that's all i need..


today my class go over the new block...
i can't sit with my girlfriend..
all because they all to selfish..
n never thinks about other..
if they want 2 sit with their bff.
so do i..
have they think about that..
at last i have to sit next 2 fatih..
although he is my friend..
but really weird sit next to guys..
i'm not close to him..